Svätopluk's sword, my version of the sword inspired by the discovery of one of the most prestigious swords found in Slovakia. The discovery dates back to the period of Great Moravia. This work could have come to fruition thanks to a great individual who provided me with the space for its creation. Each stroke was essentially research and a learning process for me, as this project was a huge challenge.
For the blade, I used four bars of Damascus steel, which I forged myself from Celtic steel slag (tamahagane) dating back approximately 2000 years. The handle was made using welded steel from roughly the 16th century. The sheath is made of alder wood, covered in linen canvas and fine goat leather. The overall impression is enhanced by silvered bronze fittings crafted by Dagfari, where legends refer to some kind of war restraints, preventing the sword from being drawn in anger and thus invoking war. It can be said that this entire project reflects my spiritual journey at that time.